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HomeCG BoardCG Board 10th English trimaasik paper 2022 | कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक...

CG Board 10th English trimaasik paper 2022 | कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर वायरल यहां देखें

CG Board 10th English trimaasik paper 2022:- छात्रों जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं आज 2:00 बजे से आपको कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी का त्रैमासिक पेपर (CG Board 10th English trimaasik paper 2022) लिया जाएगा ऐसे में एक क्वेश्चन पेपर काफी तेजी से वायरल हो रहा है क्या यह क्लास 10th अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर 2022-23 का रियल पेपर या फेक है चलिए जानते हैं

CG Board 10th English trimaasik paper 2022 |कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर वायरल यहां देखें

Quarterly examination 2022–23

Class – 10th


(d) Haj

Time-3 hours                                                                                              M.M. – 75

Instruction: Attempt all question Q.

(1) [A] Choose the correct Alternative


(i) A journey to a

holy place is known


(a) holy visit (b) pilgrimage

(c) Mecca

(ii) The person who look the bag was sent to goal. The word god means

(a) play football

(b) hit the ball

(c) jail

(d) shop

(iii) on adding the suffusion to include the word formed is (a) includesion (b) includsion (c) inclusion (d) includeion

(iv) He look off

his coat and sat down

the phrase ‘look off means.

(a) remove (b) leave (v) The antonym of fortunate is

(c) stand

(d) fold

(a) infortunate

(b) infortunat

(c) disfortunate

(d) unfortunate

Q. (1)[B] Fill in the blanks choosing the

correct alternative.

(i) They decided to continue

the bad weather.

(a) spite of

(b) newerthless

(c) despile of

(d) while

(ii) He was disappointed

the result was not as expected.

(a) so that

(b) while (c) become (d) although

(iii) Lat’s wait

it slops raining

(a) before (b) until

(c) since

(d) for

(iv) My childhood friend comes

to meet me.

(a) always (v)

(b) recently

(c) occasionally

(d) early


play ended, we went (a) When (b) while (c) before

to meet him.

(d) as

Q. (1) [C] Choose the grammatically correct sentence


(i) (a) She recuited a poem who made the child small.

(b) She recuited a poem which made the child small. (c) She recuited a poem when made the child small.


(a) We used to line in a village, when I was a child.

(b) We would line in a village, when I was a child.

(c) We may line in a village, when I was a child. (a) We are better then our rivals.


(b) We are better from our rivals.

(c) We are better to our rivals.

(iv) (a) She doesnot do the house work herself, doesnot she?

(b) She does the house work herself, doesn’t she?

(c) She does the house work herself, does she? (v) (a) At what time does the shops open here?

(b) At what time did the shops open here? (e) At what time do the shops opens here?

Note: Answer the following question in one or two sentences : Q. (2) What is the poets demand in the poem ‘about me’?

Q. (3) How did the little kite feel when it sailed up in the sky?

Q. (4) Why was beinkensopp always late? Q. (5) What do you understand by If we use more than one sight in the poem ‘Including

all my friends

Q. (6) What places does sumba imagine in the poem ‘sunbas’ adventure?

Note: Answer the following question in two or three sentences: Q. (7) What did akash dicide to settle down in india? What does it show about his

character? Q. (8) Why did jack say that it was better to be Mr. owner than two be Mr. tenant’ ? Q. (9) How many times did uncle podger jail to hung the picture? List the evidences

from the story. Q. (10) What was the mood of the headmaster when he entered the class? How did

swaminathan react to the questions put by the headmaster?

Q. (11) Make a précis of the following and give a suitable little.

Three gives us wood. This wood is used as fuel. If is also used for Building Houses and boats. Wood got from the trees is the raw material for paper and rayon. Trees and plants make the starch by photosynthesis. This starch is the food of all grass eating animals. It is also the main food for human being. Trees gives out oxygen and helps in purifying the air we breathe. If also give out water vapour. This cools the are. It is helpful in causing rains. Also they bind the soil jast and stop the erosion of sort, We get many herbs & medicines from plants. They also purify the air by taking carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen to the atmosphere. Forests also provide food and shelter to various birds & animals which make our earth such a beautiful place. OR

The root cause of asthma could be defective deep breathing rays doctors at johns Hopkins university. Alkas togias and his collages say that nobody can be made to wheeze like an asthmatic of they are prevented from beathing deeply when there lungs are irritated. During an asthamatic attack the muscles lining the lungs airways go into spasm contracting the tubes and reducing the flow of air. Attacks can be set off by irritant chemicals or allergic reactions usually to the droping of the house dust mite. Most doctors have assumed that the lungs of asthma suffuse are unusually susceptible to irritation but togas and his colleagues were intrigues by experiments that suggested otherwise lung tissue taken from healthy people and asthmatics seems to react similarly

Note:- छात्रों इस प्रकार के वायरल क्वेश्चन पेपर ऊपर आप भरोसा ना करें अपनी तरफ से पूरी तैयारी करके जाए यह पुराना प्रादर्श प्रश्न पत्र है।

Keshav Khuariya
Keshav Khuariya
मेरा नाम Keshav है मैं पिछले 5 साल से ब्लॉगिंग कर रहा हूं । मैं वेबसाइट पर Exam, Result, Imp Study material, Board exam preparation, Education से संबंधित Article लिखता हूं। लाखों छात्र हमारी वेबसाइट को पसंद करते हैं।


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